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Our Family Dentistry in Laurel, MD Is Proud to Serve You

If you need exceptional dental care in Laurel, MD, look no further than Dr. Batz & Weiner Family Dentistry. Our family dental practice is proud to serve local families. Whether you’re seeking routine dental cleanings, teeth whitening, specialized treatments like All-on-4 dental implants, or a smile transformation, ours is the team to call. We always deliver top-notch care in a warm, friendly environment. Read further to learn about our comprehensive dentistry services, skilled professionals, and how we can help you maintain your oral health.

Our Comprehensive Dentistry Services

At Dr. Batz & Weiner Family Dentistry, we believe every smile deserves specific attention and care. That’s why we develop personalized treatment plans to help our patients achieve optimal oral health. We’ll tailor dental services for you and your family, with specialties including:

  • General Dentistry – Routine care is the foundation of a healthy smile. Services like dental cleanings and exams allow you to stay on top of your oral health. We’ll help you prevent cavities and gum disease.
  • Emergency Dentistry – Dental emergencies can be stressful, but we’re here when you need us most. Whether it’s a sudden toothache, broken tooth, or another urgent issue, we’ll provide quick relief.
  • Restorative Dentistry – Do you have missing or damaged teeth? We offer dental bridges and All-on-4 dental implants to restore your smile and confidence. Our restorative treatments look natural and support long-term oral health.
  • Cosmetic Dentistry – If you dream of a brighter smile, consider our cosmetic dentistry services. We provide teeth whitening treatments and dental veneers to help you achieve the look you want.
  • Sedation Dentistry – Does the thought of visiting a dentist make you nervous? We have sedation options to help you feel calm and comfortable during your visit.
  • Pediatric Dentistry – Healthy habits start young. We’ll work with your children to ensure they have strong smiles. Our pediatric dental care teaches kids how to care for their teeth while addressing their unique oral needs.
  • Oral Surgery – From wisdom teeth removal to complex extractions, our specialists will complete your oral surgery with precision and care.
  • Endodontics – If you have tooth pain due to infection or decay, we can perform root canal treatments that save your natural teeth while relieving discomfort.
Beautiful young woman smiling after successful teeth whitening process in Laurel, MD.

We Have a Team of Experienced Doctors and Specialists

Our team consists of highly trained dental professionals who genuinely care about your well-being. Dr. Batz, Dr. Weiner, and our specialists bring years of experience to every appointment. Each has unique skill sets that complement each other to create a comprehensive family dentistry offering complete oral health care. Our collective expertise spans a wide range of dental services, ensuring you’ll receive high-quality treatment.

The Dr. Batz & Weiner Family Dentistry Mission

Our mission is simple yet powerful. We aim to create a welcoming environment where patients of all ages feel cared for and valued. The Dr. Batz & Weiner Family Dentistry team is dedicated to improving oral health in the Laurel, MD, community. We do so by offering advanced treatment options, compassionate care, and education to help you make informed choices about your oral health.

What to Expect from Us

From the moment you walk through our doors, you’ll feel at ease. Here’s what you can expect when you choose us as your dental provider:

  • Personalized Care – Every smile is unique, so we tailor treatments to each patient’s needs.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology – Our clinic features the latest tools, allowing us to deliver accurate, efficient care.
  • Friendly Team – Our dental professionals are here to support you every step of the way, answering your questions and ensuring your comfort.
  • Comprehensive Services – We can provide any dental services you need.

How We’re Different

What makes Dr. Batz & Weiner Family Dentistry stand out among other local practices? It’s our commitment to quality and community. Our patients come first, always. From flexible appointment scheduling to our focus on patient education, we’ll go the extra mile to ensure your experience is exceptional.

Contact Our Dentists in Laurel, MD Today

A healthier smile is just an appointment away. Let Dr. Batz & Weiner Family Dentistry take care of everything from routine dental cleanings to root canal treatments at our welcoming clinic in Laurel, MD. Contact us today to get started.

Man smiling after opting for comprehensive general dental care for a healthy smile in Laurel, MD.

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Contact Us

8363 Cherry Lane
Laurel, MD 20707


Hours of Operation
Sunday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Monday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuesday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Wednesday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Thursday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Friday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM

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